End of Tenancy Cleaning South West London

professional cleaningLooking for help on the moving out? We are here, let’s get down to work. You just make sure that everything is ready for your flawless move out and we will take care of the end of tenancy cleaning. Our service is of the highest quality with results that insure full return of the deposit.

With every new client, we make sure to leave them impressed and completely satisfied that they have chosen. We are a reliable team, providing excellent service in the South West London industry.

The way we proceed with our service

tenancy cleaningA few days before you move out, give us a call. We will introduce you to the end of tenancy cleaning service and explain how everything works from hiring to completion.

If there are any questions that you have, go ahead and ask. We have all the answers around the South West London area, that you need.

If you decide to hire us, we will notify our cleaners and they will make sure to arrive right on time. You would have made an appointment with us and our cleaners follow appointments very strictly.

End Of Tenancy

  • Studio Flatfrom £129
  • One Bedroom Flatfrom £179
  • Two Bedroom Flatfrom £209
  • Three Bedroom Flatfrom £245

Before the cleaners arrive, make sure to have packed all of your personal belongings so that they are not in the way during the cleaning.

When the cleaners arrive, make sure that you or your landlord are at the property that is in need of cleaning. If there is no one there to welcome our cleaners, they will have no other choice but to leave.

  • Our service is on an equal quality with every client.
  • A client receives full service for the price they pay from the start.
  • Our cleaners never fail to reach the requirements for a deposit return.
  • A client has control over the service.

Cleaning procedure.

When the cleaners arrive, they set up and get to work right away. They go from room to room, cleaning each one individually and not moving on to the next one until the one they are working on is 100 percent clean.

All of the products and supplies our cleaners use are provided by us. The cleaning products are healthy, safe and Green as well as a good choice in the South West London market.

“These days is not that easy to find a reliable cleaning provider. Thanks god I came across yours. Last week I took the chance and I book your end of tenancy cleaning services. The best decision I have ever made! My landlord was so amazed by the sparkle in his home that he gave me full refund of my security deposit!- Bautista”